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Things to do in Spring

Writer: Henry's PlaceHenry's Place

March signifies the start of spring and here at Henrys Place HQ we couldn't be more thrilled to celebrate this time of year.

The days will get longer, the air will get warmer and of course everything will begin to bloom!

Springtime truly is a delight for florists and flower enthusiasts alike. We work hard to sow seeds and then patiently wait for the fruits of our labor to magically flourish right before our eyes. Spring is a sight to behold and we are counting down the days until it's officially here!

Now the weather is warming up we share with you our "Spring Bucket List" to help you get rid of the winter blues and get yourself in a more sunnier mood.


1. Get outside. It's time to ditch the winter coat, head outdoors and breathe in the fresh air.

2. Go to a farmers' market. It's a great way to support small local businesses and of course to be able to sample all the delicacies that your local area has to offer.

3. Have a picnic. Whether you head to the local park or stay in your own backyard, a picnic with friends is always a good idea. Plus it's a great excuse to stock up on extra items at your trip to the farmers' market!

4. Plant some veggies. Our favorite springtime veggies that thrive in the cooler temperatures of early spring are:


Snow Peas



5. Spring cleaning. Many folks find pleasure in a thorough housecleaning, but even those of us who undertake such tasks grudgingly experience a great sense of satisfaction when our home is finally spic and span.

6. Open windows. This is perhaps the simplest of spring pleasures, requiring only that one unlatch the windows, but there are few delights more pleasurable than fresh air wafting into a space where it's long been in short supply.

7. Go fly a kite. Young or old or just young at heart, this nostalgic activity is guaranteed to put a smile on your face.

8. Make a bird feeder. A simple spring craft that will attract local wildlife for you to admire in your garden.

9. Spruce up your front porch. Offset your big pots with a grouping of smaller ones to provide a pop of colorful spring flowers in sweet pastels like pink and yellow. Or if you have limited space you can try a bright yellow floral wreath which really says "Welcome Spring!".

10. Stop to smell the roses - Literally. With flower festivals popping up and public gardens opening their gates, take some time to surround yourself with greenery and flowers. Henry's Place would like to invite you to come and enjoy our garden at our annual Springtime Boutique. Tickets are FREE but limited so be sure to reserve your spot today.

Find out more about our event by clicking here:

What's on your spring bucket list? Let us know in the comments below.




Mailing Address:

317 E. Bellevue Ave.

San Mateo, CA 94401

By consultation only:

(650) 619-9005

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